Dublin was a brief stop before arriving at CDG sous la pluie, under the rain, but what better way to remember Paris. Mme Julien and Sévérine organized vans to transport us to Senlis. Our host students were still in class so we toured the campus, including this beautiful cloister from the 13th century. Then off to lunch with our correspondants. What a feast.

After lunch off to tour the town. This fortified city was originally part of Gaul, conquered by Julius César and part of the Gallo-Romain empire before briefly serving as the seat of the Kings of France. Check out these beautiful half-timbered houses, the cave or cellar which served as the quarry for the houses built on top of these original columns. A lush and fertile region, the river used to transport goods to surrounding towns.
Our guide was impressed with their ability to identity architectural terms in spite of their fatigue. Dragging but still smiling we returned to campus to meet our host families and head home for the first dîner en famille. They are truly champion travelers.

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Our guide was impressed with their ability to identity architectural terms in spite of their fatigue. Dragging but still smiling we returned to campus to meet our host families and head home for the first dîner en famille. They are truly champion travelers.
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